“Sentimentum Investing” — Combining Sentiment Analysis and Systematic Trading
Utilising 250,000+ Tweets to backtest “sentimentum” trading strategies Source
All about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Banking, Finance and Trading
Arificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Finance and Banks
Utilising 250,000+ Tweets to backtest “sentimentum” trading strategies Source
Start here if you are looking to analyse financial market data — for stock markets or crypto, as a data scientist, trader or investor. Source
Most stock trading algorithms that incorporate machine learning are based upon some form of linear regression. There are benefits and drawbacks to this method. Source
Creating an Indicator From Many Other Weighted Technical Indicators. Source
Automate the calculation of RSI for a list of stocks, and then analyze its accuracy at predicting future price movements. Source
Developing a Market Timing Pattern for Financial Trading. Source
Using talib and yfinance Source
In the real world, analyzing data, learning how to ‘automate the boring stuff,’ creating ETL pipelines and dashboards, and guiding stakeholders or clients to the correct path often delivers much more value. More data teams ...
Backtesting is a fundamental step in testing the viability of your trading ideas and strategies. Here is a simple backtesting implementation in Python. Source
By the end of this story you will understand how to use the popular Python library Scikit-Learn to predict gold prices. We will compare a linear regression model with a train / test split to ...